[urban interfaces] Blogs

Rethinking the Traditional Moldovan Carpet as a Medium of Symbiosis between Human, Nonhuman and Culture
Written by Nicoleta Cîrlig Moldovan Traditional Carpet. Source: Diez.md. Deborah Lupton describes animism as a term used in sociocultural theory to refer to the attribution of life, human characteristics or spirituality to phenomena that are otherwise culturally considered non-living or nonhuman. It is a relational perspective that views humans and nonhumans as interconnected…
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Meditation or Friction?
Written by Hymke Theunissen We face a crisis of imagination. These are the words of Roy Bendor (2018, 132). Bendor refers specifically to our inability to imagine what a sustainable future might look like. Before we know what measures to take, socially or economically, we first need to be able to image an alternative…
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Imagining Dark Ecologies
Written by Aishwarya Kumar In his chapter Imagination, Roy Bendor (2018) posits that imagination appears to be “essentially incomplete,” in that it is suggestive, does not predetermine the outcome of the intervention. Bendor elaborates on the various ways these “unfinished media” perform, in that they “engage, evoke, provoke, or stir their users’ imagination”…
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Virtual Traffic Jam, Material Urban Ecology
Written by Jueling Hu Simon Weckert’s artwork Google Maps Hacks offers us an angle to understand the way we perceive the surrounding environment through media technologies. It materializes the interactions between human and non-human actants. In doing so, on the one hand, this work questions how we construct a media ecology through technological devices…
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Sociotechnical Imaginaries on The Futures of Urban Mobility
Written by Mavi Irmak Karademirler Dutch Design Week takes place every year in Eindhoven. In October 2019, the Design Week was organized around an urgent slogan: “If not now, then when?” The Design Week features design processes and design explorations which work with different materials, methods and techniques with a focus on future-oriented design…
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