[urban interfaces] research group at Utrecht University

MA Course Urban Mobile Media

As part of the MA programma New Media & Digital Culture, Michiel de Lange teaches the course Urban Mobile Media:

In a relatively short time span our communication patterns and computing habits have been ‘mobilized’. Mobile and social media have rapidly become part and parcel of urban life. They shape how we live, work, travel, spend leisure time, and meet. This has profound consequences for our sense of place, social relationships, and our sense of self.
Moreover, digital media technologies today are part of the infrastructures, practices, and institutional arrangements on which urban life itself is based. So-called “smart cities” experiment with digital media, like sensors, data, the internet of things and social media dashboards, to help improve urban life. In this course we focus on this amalgamation of telecommunications devices, portable computational devices, and smart and connected objects in urban settings. We investigate how the social is mobilized, and at the same time how mobile media are tied to urban places, situations and developments.
Students develop an in-depth understanding of the ways mobile/social media technologies shape urban life. They become familiar with main themes, concepts and approaches in the multidisciplinary field of urban new media research, and with adjacent fields of research.

Course details

Couse code: MCMV17005
Couse description link