Author Archive: Michiel de Lange

Contribution to article “How Instagram Is Changing the Way We Design Cultural Spaces”
A while ago I contributed to a story “How Instagram Is Changing the Way We Design Cultural Spaces” written by Emily Matchar for Smithsonian Magazine. I had kind of forgotten about it, until I was contacted by another journalist interested in Instagram Urbanism, who had found me via this story. Here’s the quote. How Instagram Is…
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Talk “Critical making of Public Urban Interfaces: an Approach to Designing Frictional Data Dashboards”
On Wednesday 27 June 2018 I gave a short presentation at the NECS2018 conference in Amsterdam. In the presentation I talked about the issue of engaging people with urban data and frictions through alternative approaches to data dashboard design, something I have been interested in for some time. In the talk I briefly spoke about…
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New chapter “From real-time city to asynchronicity: exploring the real-time smart city dashboard”
Fresh from the press, this interesting edited volume by colleagues Sybille Lammes, Chris Perkins, Alex Gekker, Sam Hind, Clancy Wilmott and Daniel Evans, called “Time for mapping: Cartographic temporalities”. I have a chapter in the book called “From real-time city to asynchronicity: exploring the real-time smart city dashboard”. In this essay, I pursue the idea of an…
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Interview Medialab Katowice about municipal data and public values
Medialab Katowice published an e-mail interview with me, as part of the Data (for) Culture conference in Katowice at which I spoke in December 2017. Here is the link to the interview on the Medialab Katowice website >> Below the original correspondence (unedited version of the interview): Łukasz Mirocha (LM): Generally speaking, what is the role of data in the…
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New publication: cahier series “The Hackable City” by Michiel de Lange and others
We wrap up the long running The Hackable City project with our partner One Architecture, with – among others – a cahier series targeted at a professional audience. There will also be an edited academic volume that is almost finished: de Lange, Michiel, and Martijn de Waal, eds. 2018, in press. The Hackable City: Digital Media and…
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