[urban interfaces] Blogs

An ECO coin community for a greener economy?
This blogpost is a result of the graduate seminar “Informative Cities” 2021 Rianne Riemens April 21st, 2021 An ECO coin community for a greener economy? New monetary systems, such as bitcoins, are increasingly introduced as alternative for formal currencies. Especially small-scale, informal initiatives have the potential to foreground values that remain underrepresented in institutionalized monetary…
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Google is not a good neighbor: platform presence contested
This blog is a result of the graduate seminar series “Interfacing the (In)formal City” 2021. Rianne Riemens March 17th, 2021 Google is not a good neighbor: platform presence contested A new stream of activism contests the commercialization of public urban spaces by tech companies. This type of activism critiques the rise of platform urbanism: the…
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Creative Urban Methods website
The [urban interfaces] project called Creative Urban Methods (CRUM) can be followed on a new page from now on: CRUM. Make sure to visit this webpage as well!
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Re-centralizing the Human in More-Than-Human
Written by Bastiaan van Manen In the context of the current environmental crisis that our planet is facing, more and more disciplines are refocusing their attention on taking what Lupton (2019) has dubbed a more-than-human approach to understanding the world. This perspective involves recognizing the various ways in which the human and the “nonhuman”…
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How Growing and Eating Sea Kale Can Be Considered a More-Than-Human Approach
Written by Kas van der Molen The Wadden Islands – stretching from the northwest of the Netherlands through Germany all the way up to the west of Denmark – are environmentally fragile and protected areas. One of the remarkable aspects of the area is that the sea is completely drained on low tide,…
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