[urban interfaces] Blogs
Talk “Critical making of Public Urban Interfaces: an Approach to Designing Frictional Data Dashboards”

On Wednesday 27 June 2018 I gave a short presentation at the NECS2018 conference in Amsterdam. In the presentation I talked about the issue of engaging people with urban data and frictions through alternative approaches to data dashboard design, something I have been interested in for some time. In the talk I briefly spoke about two types of urban dashboards as smart city interfaces: one very efficiency-driven, the other one more artistic and engaging. I then spoke about two more or less concrete cases to illustrate a possible approach for designing frictional public data dashboards. One is the recent workshop our [urban interfaces] research group organized in Utrecht on 6 & 7 March 2018 called “Urban Interventions and Critical Making”. The other case is from a recently submitted proposal for a European HERA call on public space.
Thanks to co-panellists Ginette Verstraete (VU, panel organizer), and Cristina Ampatzidou (RUG).