[urban interfaces] Blogs
Talk at Data (For) Culture conference in Katowice, 2 Dec. 2017

On December 2 2017 I will give a talk at the Data (For) Culture conference in Katowice. The event is organized by Medialab Katowice. About the event:
During the conference, experts from Poland and abroad will discuss a number of topics, including: (a) how to combine traditional methods of cultural research with the analysis of large data sets from the web, primarily from social media; (b) how cultural events (official and grassroots) impact on the city’s development; (c) how social media form a networked public sphere, influencing urban culture through various forms of involvement and participation, (d) how to work with data in an interdisciplinary team while retaining openness and using rapid prototyping tools, (e) how and what tools to use for data analysis and visualisation in order to study and present complex areas such as the cultural life of the city.
About Medialab Katowice:
Medialab Katowice is an experimental project combining creative, research and education activities. Participants of interdisciplinary projects placing themselves at the intersection of art, design and technology use digital media to research the city and create new narratives for Katowice. Medialab is a forum for the exchange of ideas and knowledge, meeting inspiring artists and designers, as well as a collaboration platform for artists and institutions from different countries: universities, NGOs and creative-sector companies. The project involves workshops, interventions in public space, exhibitions, lectures and discussions. There are also several workgroups focused on areas of city data visualisation, spatial analysis (MapLab), open data and the Arduino platform.
The program looks very interesting, and I look forward to the event.