Author Archive: Michiel de Lange

Graduate seminar session 3: The Right to the City & Urban Commons
Session 3 of the Graduate Seminar Series “The Right to the City & Urban Commons”: New technologies and datafication in so-called smart cities affect how we interface with the city. Social, economic and technological changes also lead to new urban frictions, and increasingly put strain on collectively shared urban commons and the right to the…
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Graduate seminar session 2: The Right to the City & Urban Commons
Session 2 of the Graduate Seminar Series “The Right to the City & Urban Commons” New technologies and datafication in so-called smart cities affect how we interface with the city. Social, economic and technological changes also lead to new urban frictions, and increasingly put strain on collectively shared urban commons and the right to the…
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Graduate seminar session 1: The Right to the City & Urban Commons
Session 1 of the Graduate seminar “The Right to the City & Urban Commons” takes place on Feb. 12 2019. New technologies and datafication in so-called smart cities affect how we interface with the city. Social, economic and technological changes also lead to new urban frictions, and increasingly put strain on collectively shared urban commons and…
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THE RIGHT TO THE CITY: the [urban interfaces] graduate seminar 2018-2019
New technologies and datafication in so-called smart cities affect how we interface with the city. Social, economic and technological changes also lead to new urban frictions, and increasingly put strain on collectively shared urban commons and the right to the city. This shifting landscape of urban politics and power dynamics and the role of media,…
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Contribution to Knack Weekend Magazine on Instagram and the city
Belgian magazine Knack Weekend featured an item (in Dutch) about the ways in which social media like Instagram influence the design of cities. The basic idea is that an increasing number of cities and (cultural) organizations are attempting to create picturfe-pretty ‘Instagrammable’ experiences. I was interviewed by the author, Nathalie Le Blanc who found me through this earlier…
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