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Perceiving the Invisible: Speculation as Interface at Sonic Acts Academy 2018 by Paul Schmidt
The small hand-held device Limenia picks up electromagnetic radiation from the surrounding and turns it into sound. In transposing this “electrosphere” into the spectrum of human perception, the device serves as an interface, allowing us to undertake speculations about this ordinarily imperceptible hyperobject that we create with our skyrocketing information and communication infrastructure and that…
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Drifting the City #1: Wanderlust/Drift Club by Paul Schmidt
The drifters. A peculiar group of a dozen people in big raincoats. They follow a string of holiday lights, wrapped around the rod of a black umbrella and dancing through wind and weather like an electrified firefly. Their ritualistic appearance as non-speaking crowd, confidently and calmly marching through abandoned streets against the backdrop of the…
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Slimme stad, slimme stedelingen by Michiel de Lange
Michiel de Lange in 2017 contributed “Slimme stad, slimme stedelingen” in Agora Magazine voor sociaalruimtelijke vraagstukken. Further description and details regarding the contribution can be found here. The article can be read here.
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Naar een typologie van kunst in de publieke ruimte by Sigrid Merx
Sigrid Merx in 2016 contributed “Naar een typologie van kunst in de publieke ruimte” in Boekman 111. Further description and details regarding the contribution can be found here.
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Interfacing Urban Media Art by Nanna Verhoeff
Nanna Verhoeff in 2016 contributed “Interfacing Urban Media Art” in Susa Pop, Tanya Toft, Nerea Calvillo, Mark Wright (eds.), What Urban Media Art Can Do: Why, When, Where & How. Further description and details regarding the contribution can be found here.
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