[urban interfaces] research group at Utrecht University

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Designing for Controversies in Responsible Smart Cities

Often, smart city initiatives assume that technology is universally beneficial. Yet, in practice, smart technology can empower or disempower, exclude or include stakeholders. Tensions occur because the impacts of technology on the city are not univocal: different people frame them differently. Acknowledging, debating, and acting upon controversies may help to shape responsible smart city futures. …

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Creative Urban Methods (CRUM)

On ‘street level’ one hardly notices the infrastructural networks that have an impact on our experiences and wellbeing, enable us to live, work and move around in the contemporary urban environment. However, when it comes to contemporary urban challenges around sustainability, participation in public life and collaborative city making will only take place when urbanites…

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Live cast SESSION #5: Playful Urban Futuring

As our planet is rapidly urbanizing, techno-utopian visions of future urban life are gaining considerable traction. However, numerous people argue that envisioning and shaping our urban future is a challenge of the imagination rather than a technological challenge. “What if?” is the key imaginative question. What if things were different? Instead of tech-driven scenarios, we…

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Walking-Thinking: Exploring the Openness of Our Cities

Organizers: Jente Hoogeveen  external link(MA), Dr. Corelia Baibarac-Duignan  external link, Dr. Sigrid Merx  external link, Utrecht University Date & Time: Session 1: March 25, 10:00 – 12:00 (CET time) Session 2: March 26, 13:00 – 15:00 (CET time) What is an open city? What makes a city open? When do we experience a city as open? How we answer such questions not…

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“Governing the Digital Society” webinar by Special Interest Group “Inclusion in the datafied city”

Inclusion in the datafied city On the 23rd of February the Special Interest Group “Inclusion in the datafied city”  external link will host the webinar. SIG-coordinator Michiel de Lange has invited Ayona Datta to talk about the theme of inclusion in the datafied city. She will share and discuss her work on gendering the smart city, and her action research in Delhi’s urban…

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