Author Archive: Melisse Vroegindeweij

Pressure Cooker Workshop: Designing More-Than-Human Cities
In this workshop, students from different programs and academies collaborate on an interdisciplinary urban design assignment. The specific focus of the workshop is to develop creative design for more-than-human cities. This deals with the question of how our cities can become more sustainable – both socially and ecologically – by taking into account the diverse…
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Urban Ecologies Graduate Seminar 19-20 Session 3: More-Than-Human Cities
The third session of the [urban interfaces] graduate seminar 2019-2020: Urban Ecologies.The theme of this session is More-Than-Human Cities. How can our cities become more sustainable – socially, ethically, and ecologically – by taking into account the diverse interests, stakes, and perspectives from other living organisms and species beside humans? Readings: Gorny, Robert. 2018. “Reclaiming…
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Urban Ecologies Graduate Seminar 19-20 Session 2: Resilient Cities
The second session of the [urban interfaces] graduate seminar 2019-2020: Urban Ecologies.The theme of this session is Resilient Cities. How can ecology provide us with a thinking model for (re)thinking and (re)designing our cities? Special guest: Roy Bendor Readings: Bendor, Roy. 2018. Interactive Media for Sustainability. London: Palgrave. Ch. 5 “Imagination.” Latour, Bruno. 2015. Facing…
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Urban Ecologies Graduate Seminar 19-20 Session 1: Transformative Cities
The first session of the [urban interfaces] graduate seminar 2019-2020: Urban Ecologies. The theme of this session is Transformative Cities. How can design of urban interfaces and infrastructures contribute to socially and ecologically sustainable urban futures? Readings: Jasanoff, Sheila. 2015. “Future Imperfect: Science, Technology, and the Imaginations of Modernity”. In: Dreamscapes of Modernity: Sociotechnical Imaginaries…
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URBAN ECOLOGIES: The [urban interfaces] graduate seminar 2019-2020
Dates: February 11 and 25, and March 10, 2020. Time and Venue: 13.00-17.00 @ MCW Lab, Muntstraat 2A, 3512 EV Utrecht. Credits: 3 ECTS (for RMa Studentes and PhD Candidates only, MA students who want to obtain ECTS can contact Dr Nanna Verhoeff for more information). The seminar series is open to (R)Ma students and…
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